Tuesday, May 27, 2008

David Beckham scores from 60 yards

Not a fantastic goal compared to the one he scored against Neil Sullivan, but the Americans are going crazy over it.

Sharon Stone says China Earthquake is Karma

What the hell is wrong with this woman. Stupid woman.
Karma to a country?
So is 9/11 Karma on America?
This isn't the time to blame who and who, but to pray for the lives in China (and Myanmar).
Totally lost all respect for her. In no way, does anybody deserve the pain of an earthquake.

Monday, May 26, 2008


How can you trust these people after what they said/did?
How can you let them be the most powerful person in USA?
Imagine if this happen in Singapore, the newspapers will be fucking happy!

John McCain taking a nap

This video shows Hillary Clinton telling a lie, which was later exposed.
You can tell 1 lie, you can tell many lies.
Your credibility is ruined imo.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

America Election part 2

After this post, I think its quite obvious who I'm rooting for.
I'm a Singaporean, but Singapore is part of the world, and America is the most powerful country in that world.
A change in America, will result in a change in the world. :)

I'm quite supportive of the Singapore government, but I really hope they will take the steps to ensure that Singaporeans are getting the priority to enter local university, the money to enter local university and the money to enter foreign universities if competition is still too tough.

What's the point in a local university if local students are not allowed to enter because of 1 failed attempt at the GCE 'A' Levels?
What's the point in a local university that is built for local students to pursue further education, if there are foreign students, who will leave Singapore after getting their degrees?

Yes, foreigners enhance Singapore's economy, but when they are taking our jobs, taking precious places in local universities, I think it should be curb somewhere, at some point.

I might be abit biased, because I can't enter a local university, but when I found out, that a few years ago, my grades are more than better to enter local university, I just feel so terrible at the state of things. There are competition everywhere!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

America Election Part 1

Lets help America build a better future.
I am a Singaporean, but I really caressss for America.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Top Ten Action Movies I Love

Today on the bus home, I was thinking about the movies I love to watched.
Making a list of them, I noticed that most of it was Action films!
To pay a special homage to action films, I'm taking time out of my studying to compile this top ten list of movies I love.

10: Nikita
Hands up anyone who has heard of this movie before.
Well, actually I couldn't think of my number 10 action movie, so this has to make do for the time being. Its a very nice movie, with lots of breakthrough scenes that inspire lots of other movies. This movie is one of those that has an actress in the leading role.

9: Star Wars
I watched this movie when I was a kid, and I was so engrossed with it, that I remember the lines of those "special" scenes. Those lightsaber fighting, the Millennium falcon, the TIE fighters. FANTASTIC man. Its so incredible, that someone can think up of the idea of Star Wars, when at that age, the ideas of civilizations in space were so far away!

8: Matrix
Another breakthrough movie. With the bullet-mode scenes, there was now a new way of filming fighting scenes. The idea of the matrix was also something refreshing from the usual Hollywood stories, and I just love the idea.
One of my favourites scenes is when Neo rescues Morpheus in the building full of agents and fights his way out.
Dodging bullets, easy peasy.

7: Saving Private Ryan
Its weird how when this movie first came out, I didn't really had the urge to watch it. I wasn't really a fan of war movies as I hate seeing the blood, the gore and the sadness. But, after seeing it, I'm really amazed.
It's such a sad and unfair ending. Out of all the soldiers that were sent to save Private Ryan, only 2 made it out alive. The first 20minutes of the movie was already such an eye opener, and it just took my breath away.
Go catch it.

6: Die Hard
One mad cop, all the bad guys that he can kill, with all the odds stack against him. Its not just Die hard that was fantastic, Die hard 2 and 3 were damn good too. 4 lost a bit of its charm, but its still good. If I had to pick a favourite, I would say Die Hard 2 was my favourite. Bruce Willis always ended up in these weird stuck in a hole scenarios, but he always managed to escape it with a bang!

I hope this post is well-received. I purposely stop halfway to see if the response is good and whether it is worth it to continue posting. Recently, no one is visiting my blog and tagging it. Not as popular as 2swanskiss. If response is good, then I will post my top 5. :D

Thursday, May 8, 2008



Just realised I wasted 2.40 on a stupid mechanical pencil's lead. I accidentally bought the 0.7 size when my pencil uses 0.5 size.


Just to add on to this posts, I love attacking football. Lots of nice passes and players going forward. That is the way football should be played. So even if Man U is out of the picture, I rather another team like Arsenal win it.
Or Aston Villa.

Monday, May 5, 2008


Even after so long of not exercising, I still can do 8 pull ups. And it is not my maximum as I can still do more. So, I think i just need 6 months of training, I can be as good as new.

But my tummy is getting bigger and bigger.
1 thing why my tummy is getting bigger is because I hate running. I can't run well because of my injuries so I hate it.

So after a discussion with Tay, I realise that I can go SWIMMING. I stay in a condo and I stubbornly refuse to go swimming. The reason? Because I am shy about the scar and pimples on my back. And my ever expanding waist line. So I'm going to come out with a new regime.
Swim 30mins per day. I not sure if I can start now during exams time, but I think it will be great if I can swim and then study.

I think instead of Limin lying on my shoulder, she can lie on my tummy. Natural pillow.